Small Town Alberta Farm

We purchased our farm back in 2015 as our first home. We are a 20 acre hobby farm with big dreams. Slowly but surely we have been working towards those dreams. Four horses and seven dogs live here with us. Our dream is to have my husband working here with us and building a business and lifestyle that we are proud to hand down to our children when the time comes.
We have had goats, chickens, bottle baby calves, peacocks, horses, dogs, pigs, llamas, geese, and ducks on our property. In the beginning we were raising a little of everything to see what we wanted to dive deeper into. As we grow we are looking to raise goats, pigs, chickens and ducks, and we are also planning on having cattle. Along with that we are still going to expand our horse herd so our kids will have horses to ride when older, and we are working towards a set up to breed our Livestock Guarding Dogs in the future. Our kids enjoy helping with as much of the livestock as we allow due to their age.

As a small farm in central Alberta we have no plans on changing this motto anytime soon. My husband and I do everything on this farm with our daughters by our sides. As our kids grow they will be able to help with more and more.
We are extremely blessed to have family that live close enough to us that we are able to reach out for help when needed. They encourage and support us every step of the way.