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Do either of you have different jobs?Yes. My husband is a journeyman electrician and has been for years. As for me I have started a writing career recently. Besides that though I am a stay at home mom, I keep the farm running while my husband is working.
Why do you own so many dogs?There are multiple reasons for our desire to own seven dogs. One is hugely that I am a dog lover. There is something about dogs and their unconditional love for their owners that is like a drug for me. The other popular reason that we own them all is for protection. They make my kids and I feel safe out here on the farm. In my eyes there is nothing I won't be or own to make myself or my kids feel protected and safe where we live.
Why own a farm?It was a lifestyle we both enjoyed. Before we were on the farm we lived in town and just weren't happy with our living situation. I have always had a passion for animals, which most you can't keep in your backyard. My husband enjoys his international trucks and having the freedom of not having to worry about people so close to us. We also wanted our kids to have a lifestyle we never had. I had horses growing up but we always lived in town. It is a completely different experience and childhood to be able to roam and adventure without worry of strangers and vehicles harming them.

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