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Axle's Story


When we bought this farm we moved here with our old Sheltie, Lassie. We were also both working full time and wanted to get her a friend so she wouldn't go crazy out here with the new sounds and scenery. I found Axle online a couple weeks after moving.

I fell in love with a photo of one of his siblings. They were golden retriever crossed with german wirehared pointer. His brother was a blonde curly fur ball. I went to the farm who were sell them and this cute little black puppy made his way over and sat his butt on my feet. I knew then and there he was the one I was taking home no matter what I thought before.

From day one he has been my best friend. Loyal, loving, calm, and all around the perfect dog. He is easy to train, reliable to a fault, not to mention gets along with every animal and person he meets. He loves babies of any kind. Here are some photos of my baby.

Axle is six this year.

Even though he is a hunting dog for bird hunters, this boy hates fetching and water.

Axle as a puppy.

The best farm dog I have ever owned. I can do anything with him and he trusts me enough to follow my instructions.



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