This year has been a whirlwind of good and bad situations all rolled into one. Is it annoying, slightly. And because of it I have yet to get a lot of my to do list done for the year. But that's the way it goes and I'll be doing as much as I can for as long as I can.
One bonus of owning a farm, the work isnt going anywhere.
So what's new with us this summer ?

I haven't rode this year sadly. But been getting in horse cuddles whenever i can. By no means are my horses unhappy about the fact they don't have to work this year. I am working hard to bring Tiger to a suitable place within her training.
Yesterday she escaped the pasture only to hurt herself. I went and brought her back to the yard, our make shift sick or injured pen for now, and Jon and I cleaned and wrapped her leg. She'll be separated until it heals which gives me an unique opportunity for bonding and working on her catching and ground tying skills.
By the time she's able to go back into the big pasture I won't need to keep a halter on her anymore. Silver lining right?

Much to my husband's dismay we have inquired 5 adorable black kittens from his mother. They are living in the house and learning to live with our dogs before we let them play and roam outside. I plan to use some of the insulated panels we own to build them a cathouse outside to stay warm and have a safe place to eat and relax.
Yes I realize to so many it sounds ridiculous when it comes to barn cats. Truth is I'm a dog person, hence the 10 dogs I own as of current. On a farm however cats or important and a necessity, which gives them value in my eyes. Anything on this farm that has a job and a heartbeat gets treated with a decent amount of respect.
Plus my kids fucking love them.
So yes I will make them a cathouse.

Today we are moving the ducks and chicken to our big coop outside. I will set up a dog house in there with a smaller pen so they can safely explore being outside, while having multiple layers of protection. I have to clean out and fix any holes this week before I open the entire coop up for them.
This is just in time for the arrival of more ducks and chick's I will be getting around the beginning of next month. My mother in law is hatching off some of her own that I will be buying. The lady who gave my the duck and chicken has more coming so I can add to my flock as well. They will be inside until big enough to survive in the coop with the others.
I must say I'm enjoying have multiple birds in my life again.

Speaking of birds in my life. Tango, our ringneck dove, as gotten herself a new friend. Please welcome Tiny, our white budgie, and yes my kids named her. They got along great from day 1 and have been inseparable ever since. We have plans to expand our adorable birds and make avaries in our yard as well. Can't wait to spoil these adorable creatures and get them some more friends of their own species.