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Catching up with my Doves and Parakeet


Along with horses, dogs, ducks, chickens, and kittens, we also own a Dove and a Parakeet. With plans to own more in the near future. I love birds. Their singing and chirps may drive some up the wall but I enjoy the noise. I'm one of those people who hate silence and these birds provide just enough background noise.

My Dove and Parakeet live in a large parrot cage together at the moment. I do plan on owning more of both bird breed, which will lead to me building larger enclosures for them. I've learnt almost everyday new things that they enjoy and don't enjoy. Neither overly friendly, but we are working on it. My Dove is catchable and will calm once caught. My Parakeet is a fairly new addition so it's taking time.

Tango is our Ringneck Dove and Tiny is our white Parakeet.

Tango never needed much when it came to her cage. Doves don't play with toys or need a ton of boredom busters. They need a balanced diet of seed, we feed her love bird mix seed, and fresh greens and fruit as a nice treat. Fresh water in two separate areas, one for them to drink and another for bathing in, changes ever day. They also thrive better with planks instead of perches, however Tango seems to enjoy perching as we have both in their shared cage. Another factor to consider is if the bottom of their cage is wired, place a soft material to cover them for their feet. We use newspaper and shavings.

Tiny is a new addition to our home. When I was younger we owned a budgie so it was nice to be able to give this girl a home. She sadly didn't get along with the other budgies her previous owner had in the cage, her and Tango got along almost instantly.

Budgies are slightly different to care for but I can tell you that both these girls haven't had their needs lacking in any way. We have lots of toys for the budgie and boredom busters in there everyday. Plus we let them have some free time out of the cage when the dogs are outside and kittens are locked up.

We are planning more birds in the near future with bigger cages to build this fall and winter when we can no longer get the work outside complete because of snow. Can't wait to show you as we go.



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